Hi love,

the other day I was listening to an interview of Esther Hicks speaking to Hay House CEO Reid Tracy. She shared an exercise that I liked so much that I had to share it with you!

I am pretty sure you have those days when your todo lists are endless you start feeling overwhelmed by all the things you need to get done. Surely I have those days when 24 hours just doesn’t seem to be enough time to get everything done.

A Course In Miracles says when we try to do it out of our own power then we have let fear taken the lead. I remind myself of this regularly. Letting a force greater than me take over is so much easier and most of the times faster and more efficient.

So, the exercise Esther shared was this:
Draw a line down a piece of paper. On the one side you write “Things I want to do today” and on the other side “Things I’d like the universe to do today”.

What this will do:

  1. Clarity around what your priorities are: Once you know what you want, you can start taking action and don’t need to procrastinate because of overwhelm
  2. A softer state of allowing the universe to take over: In order for the universe to be able to take over, we need to allow it. Once we offer these things to the universe and we actually speak the words “Please, Universe, you take care of this. I give it to you and I trust that you will fulfill these tasks to the highest good of all.”

This is a super fast exercise and so efficient! Let me know in the comments below what you think of it and whether you will try it or tried it before. Want to learn more about how to use the law of attraction? Maybe we need to chat! Contact me here

Much love and light!
